Alexander Steinhauer

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All Quiet

06/2024 - present

Incident management made easy.

AllQuiet iOS Login
AllQuiet iOS Overview
AllQuiet iOS Chat


09/2021 - 10/2023

Germany's leading price comparison platform, helping millions find the best deals across insurance, travel, and consumer products.

Check24 iOS Price Alarm

iFactoryPilot - TUM x Siemens

04/2024 - 08/2024

A collaboration between the Technical University of Munich and Siemens to develop a native interface for factory workers to interact with automated guided vehicles.

Siemens iFactoryPilot Home
Siemens iFactoryPilot Chat
Siemens iFactoryPilot Shortcut

MPG Vertretungsplan

2016 - 2022

An Android app for students at the Max-Planck-Gymnasium NĂ¼rtingen to check their timetable and substitute teachers.